To complete this offer, you need a Skype account. Skip this if you already have one, or just click the Skype logo for download the software (100% free)
Login in KudosNetwork and click on Offers:
Your offers, are based on your country, but Rebtel is available in every country:
In the new page, click Sign up NOW!:
Fill the form with your data (the same as Kudos), check the "I agree..." box and click Sign Up Now!:
Skip this page:
Now, call with your cellphone the number, press 1, and your Rebtel account will be activated! Press on Continue:
Skip this page by clicking Proceed to My Rebtel:
Now, you have to add founds on your account by clicking ADD CREDIT (high-right corner):
Choose the payment method:
Choose 10$ and Proceed to payment:
Complete the transaction, then go back to RebTel.
Last step for complete the offer is spend some credits (not all!). To do so, call one of your contact (even your own phone)
First of all, you need to add a contact, so go to My contacts:
Click to add a new contact:
Fill the form with your contact's information, then click Add Contact.
Now, click on Mobile, then Call from you computer.
in the next window, use your Skype name and press Next.
Click Connect call to:
Skype should open now, if not just repeat the call.
Now, you need to last the call for more than five minutes (first five mins are free).
BE CAREFUL!: Don't use all your credit! Just use a few cents!
The remaining credit can be used for other calls!!
The money you invested are not lost! In fact, they can be used for phonecalls from Skype or even your cellphone!
Your offer, at this point, should be in a pending status:
When your offer will be finally approved, you will receive an email:
Your account in now approved!! But you need to refer people in order to receive your gift... Good luck, and happy earning with KudosNetwork!!